Setting the right priorities will make life easier and more fulfilling. The reason why priorities are so important is because, prioritizing right, will provide a direction for day to day living.
Priorities beget Commitment.
A lot of times we shy away from setting priorities because we don’t want to commit to anything.
Once acknowledged, that getting your medical degree is top priority, studying for long hours and putting up with sleepless nights will not be difficult.
People who live without priorities often live without a sense of direction. Such a person can be likened to an unborn baby who has nothing to look up to, or worry about.
Setting good priorities will set your life in order. Misaligned priorities can lead to;
- Sadness
- Blamefulness
- Regrets
- Mental health
- Exertion
- Physical burnout
- Poor livelihood, and so much more.
If your goal is to become financially free, and all you do is prioritise new clothes and shoes, hanging out in bars, not investing, and burning cash. Becoming financially independent under such circumstances will be farfetched.
Your priorities can be broken down into daily, weekly, monthly, yearly, and whatever way you see fit.
Having a clear list of what you would like to prioritise can make life much easier and guarantee a fruitful use of your time.
Priority setting steps.
If it is your first time to prioritise, it is important to;
1. Assess your current situation.

Firstly, start with a deep moment of reflection. And then be honest with yourself about the things that you want out of life. Furthermore, you should determine how you are spending your time and resources. And lastly, acknowledging the work you are willing and able to lodge, in order to make the necessary changes.
2. List Your Goals

It is absolutely crucial to pen down all your goals on a list in order to ensure that nothing is left out. For instance, list your goals and work out a way to prioritise those goals. After that, it would be good to determine what comes first and what can wait for later.
3. Disaggregate Your Priorities

Establish your list of priorities on a daily basis. Daily priorities could be prayer, drinking enough water, exercise eating healthy meals. Your weekly priorities could be reading a book, or weekend family time. On a monthly basis, priorities can be savings, paying for water, electricity, phone, internet, cable, rent, and mortgage. Your yearly priorities can be medical checks, fees for kids, family holidays.
4. Acknowledge Distractions.

Make a conscious effort to eliminate distractions by reminding yourself of the fact that you become what you think about!. Moreover, distractions can be a big set back to meeting your goals. Which is why, in the instance where priorities are set, planning time for distractions like Netflix, Facebook, Instagram, or any other types of interruptions or distractions would be a smart move.
5. Establish a Time Management Strategy.

Decide exactly what time you chose to accomplish each specific task. More so, by purposefully accounting for every hour of your day, you will realise that you have no time to spend swiping Instagram photos, watching movies, or simply accommodating activities that were unplanned.
You are highly encouraged to make it a habit to read as much s you possibly can. Knowledge is power when it is acquired and acted upon.