The first thing to note is that Your Self-Development Is Your Responsibility.
In order to learn new skills and become good at them, there a couple of factors to take into account. However, it generally takes 3-6 months for one to become good at any particular skill. And the most important ingredients are confidence, dedication, passion, determination, discipline and consistency.

If your goal is to become financially independent, you must make think about it as much as you possibly can. You also must imagine what that independence will mean for you and your family.
I encourage you to do the following;
1. Start acting like an independent person.

We often crave for things that we are unprepared to have. Sometimes we wish for a car when we have not yet overcome the fear of getting into a crash. To become what you dream of, you actually have to foresee yourself into that role or that person you seek. If you want to be a business owner, start acting like one already. If you want to runway model, start walking like one. Basically anything you aim to become must be seen in the way you go about your day to day business.
2. Mind your dressing.
Be mindful of the way you dress because, ninety Percent of the time, your image will get your foot in the door. What you do when you get to the door is up to you.
You must make a conscious effort to pick the right outfit for the right occasion. It would be odd to wear a wedding dress to a job interview don’t you think so? Or perhaps, wearing jugging bottoms to your company’s dinner party.
Your dressing is the first thing that people see when they look at you. Before you even say a word, others would have placed you under a particular social bracket based on your the shoe you wear, the bottoms or dress you have on etc.. Whatever you dream of becoming, make sure to dress in a manner that represents your future persona.
3. Pay attention to your interactions with others.

Be conscious of how you speak and relate to the people you come across. You never know how, when, and where they may be the corner stone of your life. Some people just don’t understand the power of human relations. Your most precious possession may actually be your phone contact list, or your LinkedIn portfolio.
Recently, a very wealthy gentleman i know got unwell, he needed an organ transplant. Under normal circumstances, this would not have been possible before he was long dead and buried. But however, thanks to his connections, he was able to secure an organ and the transplant happened.
This is definitely not because he was wealthy, because sometimes your money will not buy your way, but that one contact you have may be your saviour in that one instance.
If you want to become great, nurture your human relationships. Treat every single person with respect and love, irrespective of their societal status.
4. Harness positive imagination

Make it a deliberate act to imagine how you would spend your time and your money. How you would drive that beautiful Range Rover sports. How you’ll make charitable donations. How many rooms you’ll have in your mansion. The outstanding schools that your kids will attend, and the list goes on.
Pondering these thoughts will not only keep your vision alive, but it will also prepare you for when you eventually become independent.
To make your visualisation easier perhaps you should consider building the vision board that will change your !