The most mind numbing statement I have heard lately are the words ” people don’t travel abroad and return home.” In essence, what this means is that life is too good on the other side to resist the urge of returning to ones birth country. This article aims to address the misconception that life is easier abroad, and that those living in western countries are better off.

This article attempts to debunk that myth, without necessarily discouraging anyone from making the move to travel abroad for a better life.
I would like to start by underlining the fact that money is not a piece of paper or commodity that is conjured or manufactured in a bedroom, to meet one’s needs.
This disillusion about life abroad is an issue that has to be discussed with utmost honesty. Perhaps if more people knew the truth, it would set them free from living their countries to “greener” pastures without a solid plan in place.

I recently had a chat with my housekeeper who made mention of a friend of hers who relocated from South Sudan to Portugal under the united nations refugee program. Her friend had been so excited to leave Sudan, where she felt the hardships she was facing were the worse they could be. A few months after her arrival in Portugal, she felt miserable and out of place. She told Jenifer that if someone had told her about the realities of life in Portugal, she would have chosen Sudan thousand times over. Right now, she looks forward to the devil she knows(Sudan), then remaining with the angel (Portugal) she never knew. She says she’s determined to make things work for her in her own country.
Before you tell me that she wasn’t hardworking and all, there are thousands of stories like hers and more so, why not consider the possibility that home just might be best for you and that the riches you envisage having abroad might not come as easily as it was sold to you by TV commercials, a friend abroad, etc. Some people are so obsessed with the idea of traveling, and when asked why, they’ve replied that life is too hard where they are. Says who? I have often wondered.
The Other side of the story About Life Abroad.
Would like to give you brief statistics of the realities of life in the United Kingdom for millions of people, white and black alike who suffer from food poverty. Despite the UK being the sixth richest country in the world, millions of residents are struggling to access the food they need.
- Many families that rely on free school meals feel relieved that kids can at least have warm food during school term, but face food poverty during school breaks.
- Some parents are forced to reduce their ration or go without food to make ensure children have enough to eat.
- A 2020 report published revealed that working-class families couldn’t afford pricey healthy food, and they’re obliged to either go hungry or eat unhealthy food.
- Nearly six million adults and 1.7 million children were struggling to get enough food between September 2020 and February 2021 (Environment, food and rural committee)
Now you see what Jesus meant in Mathew 26:11 when he said “you will always have poor people amongst you?”. There are poor and rich people everywhere on planet earth, which is why you have to focus on your personal development to be valuable in whatever environment you find yourself in. The location isn’t always the problem. Watch the youtube video to learn more about personal developement.
Having said that, sometimes our location may be what’s holding us back from reaching our full potential, and would be imperative to change neighborhoods, cities, regions, or even countries to flourish. However, the purpose of the points made thus far is to open your eyes to some of the realities of life abroad.
Many people have burned their bridges, traveled abroad with the impression that life is magically easier or manna falls in the streets from heaven. This indeed can be a dangerous mindset to have. Meanwhile, upon arrival, such people might be met by immeasurable hardship, depression, frustration and some have even committed suicide.
I know back home, people abroad are considered as wealthy and better off, but I tell you the truth, you will be shocked at the life that some of these individuals who come back home looking bougie and blowing their trumpets, live abroad. Perhaps someday I will be courageous enough to make a documentary about this. Our people need to know the truth so that they can be set free (John 8:32).
Too many people have made the wrong decision to abandon their home countries and what was going on for them, due to the lies told by people who most times don’t even have a proper living environment or are perhaps one of those dependent on food banks, government handouts or council accommodation.
Although I only presented statistics for the UK, I would imagine that this might equally be the case for other wealthy nations like the US, Germany, Switzerland, Japan etc.
Before you make that quantum leap to venture into a trip abroad, make sure you do your home work and have a plan of action for when you arrive your destination.
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