Listening to horror stories every single day about young ambitious people being poisoned to death by their own fellow country men, friends, and relatives has been extremely disturbing, heart wrenching and frightening, to say the least.

What is going on in the birth country of the legendary footballer Samuel Eto’o?
Cameroon is generally known as Africa in miniature due to its rich cultural diversity with over 250 ethnic groups, fertile agricultural grounds, fascinating natural geography and topography, and above all, a resilient population.
I was born and raised in Cameroon and I have a deep love and admiration for my country and its people. What I love most about Cameroon are the different heritage meals like Achu, Kati Kati, eru, ndole, Nsanga, Ekwang, and Kwacoco bible, the chaotic streets of Douala, roasted corn and plum, just to name a few.
Unfortunately, at the time of this article, the beautiful imagery and memories about my country is slowly turning sour. What is going on in Cameroon?
Besides the anglophone crisis, and unfavourable economic conditions, there are deeply rooted issues about the country that have to be questioned and changed as a matter of urgency.
Watch this young lady represent Cameroon beautifully on this Facebook video. Spanish people are hailing her and singing her praises whilst her own fellow country are probably plotting to sniff life out of her. This is has to change immediately!
Between 2020 and 2021, the number of young people (mostly diasporians) whose lives have been allegedly lost to some form of poisoning, has been on a steady rise. People seem to have become so sinister to the point where they are able to take a human life without blinking . Chaiiii!!!
Precious lives that been snatched

Four main causes of this evil act.
Whilst we read about all these cases, mourn and condole with the bereaved, we have to starting pondering why this epidemy is on the rise in order to nip it in the bud, and stop the further loss of lives.
Nothing will ever justify the fact that anyone takes another’s life away besides the case of self defense. However, these four points are likely the cause of all the wickedness we are currently experiencing;
1. Low self esteem
People who suffer from low self esteem see themselves as inferior and less worthy of good things. A person with such a mindset is likely to see the rise of their friend, family member, neighbour, colleague or even an acquaintance, as a threat to their own existence and all the things they don’t have because the other already has them.
Bonus reading: Regain Your Self Confidence.
2. Ignorance
Ninety Nine Percent of the people who go as far as soiling their hands with blood are people who are are simply ignorant of the consequences of their action. No sane person who understands that taking another life would lead to their own mental, spiritual and physical death, will pursue such an idea. Remember what God says in Hosea 4:6
Bonus Reading : Aligning Your Mind With God’s Supernatural Plan.
3. Jealousy
Often times, people are simply jealous of what you have, who you know, what you do, the car you drive, the home you live in, the countries you travel to, where you work and the list goes on. Some people are even sick enough to be jealous of something as natural as your beauty, smile, natural hair, your ability to cook, your popularity. These kinds of people are like agents of darkness and only spiritual measures like prayers can keep them away from you. Pray psalm 23 and 91 daily.
Bonus Reading: Your Self-Development Is Your Responsibility.
4. Poor economic circumstances:
The reason why I am very passionate about the young and independent project is because I truly believe that 99.9% of these social plagues in Cameroon can be linked to poverty. Do you think a person who is busy with their grind, business, or job has the time to concoct sinister ideas to take someone else’s life? Most Cameroonians have too much time on their hands, hence their idle minds become the devil’s workshop.
Bonus reading: 6 Business Ventures that Require Zero Capital.
Best Tips On How to Start and Grow Your Small Business in 2022.
2 principal solutions to this epidemy
Of what use is the process of making noise of the causes of a problem if proposed solutions are not brought to bear?
Below are the two things that I believe can be done to enact drastic behavioural changes for the good and comfort of everyone.
1. Proper Education
A few months ago, I wrote an article about about Africa And The Scarcity Mentality. People in Cameroon and all these other countries where these poisons are making rounds, need to understand the simple notion of abundance. We are unique beings, each one with a mission on earth. Moreover, not all fingers are the same, and our destinies are parallel to that of one another. We were born on different days, circumstances, time, etc for a reason. We have to find our purpose and start living that purpose for the glory of God and Mankind.
2. Economic Viability:
I understand the feeling of living in a country where things are tough on the financial side. However, killing diasporians and other well to do citizens will only make matters worse. These are individuals who have succeeded to break away from the chain of hardship, and are perhaps capable of investing their time, knowledge money and or resources acquired from foreign countries, into creating factories and businesses that will employ many locals and improve their standard of living. When we hurt them, we are simply shooting ourselves in the foot.