What is respect?
Respect is defined as “a feeling of deep admiration for someone or something elicited by their abilities, qualities, or achievements”.
As a young woman aspiring to become a respectable member of the society,
- Never betray yourself for an external relationship. The longest relationship you will ever have is with yourself, get to know yourself and treat yourself incredibly well.
- Dress decently and respectably. Ever heard of the phrase ” Dress how you want to be addressed”. Don’t be swayed by popular dress codes or social media standards, always remember Who Are Your Friends? and what values do they stand for
- Earn your own money no matter how small. So many women would extend the hand to ask for everything and anything from a man, that’s a major mistake that unconsciously dilutes your self worth and respect.
- Invest some time and money into yourself and work tirelessly on your personal development, your self confidence and your self worth. Your Self-Development Is Your Responsibility.
- Confront the lies you’re believing about herself, which have become your reality, and choose to start believing the real truth about who you are and who you were created to be. Take control of your self esteem , act on it and live it.
- “Your strength is in Your ruins”, “you need to fall in love with all of you more than you’re in love with the outcome or achievements”. Focus on building yourself inside out.
- Respect everyone you come across, so that you may be respected in return.
- Stay away from pettiness and gossip, and treat them like a terrible plague.
- Disassociate yourself with people who dump just any thought the have into your precious mind.
- Limit access to people who may be blowing your candle out whenever you’re trying to get it started.
- Focus on the version of yourself that you are yet to behold, and start breaking down what it means to take a Dare.