How Women Can Get Anything In a Man’s World.

by Syl Tamanda

As a woman I’ll just start by saying that men and women were not equal during creation, are not equal today despite how much the world has moved on, and will never be equal no matter how much the narrative is twisted. A man remains a man and a woman remains one. We all have our place and roles in humanity and a thing called life.

Many women who’re insisting that men are equal to women have to understand that women are on their way to losing all their God-ordained privileges if they insist to go against God’s original plans for mankind.

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As women, we are naturally endowed with strength. We know it, just as much as the world knows it. We can conceive, nurture and birth a completely healthy and beautiful human being. That alone makes us unique, queens, and superstars.

Women give birth to men and are the neck of every partner’s head, yet we somehow are made to believe the myth that its a man’s world? Nope, the world belongs to us all and we each have a role to play to live out our purpose and to meet our full potential.

A wise man once said, “before any decision is made in a board room, it was already decided in the bedroom.” Women have the power to elevate or destroy. Know your worth!

Think about all the great, seemingly invincible men in history, who were all brought down by the very gender that is assumed to be the weaker one.

  • Delilah brought about the fall of Samson from grace, when she managed to retrieve information off him , that his superhuman power was in his hair.
  • King Solomon who was the wisest king of all times was led astray by a woman. Despite having seven hundred wives of royal birth and three hundred concubines, brought in foreign women who worshiped false idols, eventually convincing him to abandon God, which led to his downfall.
  • What about acclaimed king David and the man after God’s heart, who couldn’t resist Bathseba another man’s wife, and hence lost God’s favour.

You can read more about 10 examples of men brought down by women.

Women are strong, wise and smart multi-taskers who genuinely have an inbuilt capability of handling much more than they can imagine. And moreover, they have two weapons that a man cannot resist;

  • Manupulation
  • Emotional control

Although men are physically stronger and more domineering, women can use those as the entry point into a world of favours!

Think about being able to get things done just by the way you dress, the smile you bring forth, your voice, the way you walk, your kitchen skills, your ability to empathize and much more. I wrote an article about No Woman Is Ugly, and I still believe in that truth! This is not entirely about physical beauty, but about what women can do with their natural abilities.

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If we insist that we are equal to the male gender in the toxic manner in which some activist are going on about it, women will be the biggest losers in the end.

Remember that God made Adam before making eve as the helper. We are an addition to the equation and we must come in with that in mind. In front of a woman, even the toughest man on earth will bend.

I heard a story about the late general Abacha of Nigeria who was taken out simply by poisoning the boobs of the escorts that were sent to him. The tough and untouchable general couldn’t resist boobs!

This article isn’t encouraging you to become a social worker or runs a girl or anything of that sort. Rather, it should serve as a reminder that women have an inborn power that men cannot resist. Therefore, how you play your cards in front of the situation you face is 100% entirely up to you.

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What a smart woman will do is to keep her cards close to her chest, and find a way to trigger emotions from the man’s stomach or the tail between his legs. Your best bet is to hang in there and wait for that emotional window before you make your request known. When the man is in the nice and relaxed zone where his mental defenses are down, you pull the trigger and you will indeed be able to get anything you want from the almighty masculine, tough and macho man before you.

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