You must set your self-development as a priority because it is often linked to self-awareness. You can embark on the journey of self-development and make great strides by doing simple things like;

Reading books to enhance your personal development.
Books can be read in different ways. If you are someone who didn’t grow up in the culture of reading, you just might find it hard to pick up a book and read it in a manner that adds value to your life. Nonetheless, if you can’t afford to buy books, there are several free resources on the internet. Personally, what I do is download apps that have free books, and I spare hours a day listening to audiobooks and taking down notes in my journal. Another thing I do is read at least one chapter of my chosen book before I go to bed. I found this method very efficient in reading multiple books, and my mind doesn’t suffer from the distractions of social media.
Rolling out a new health discipline.
If you are suffering from overweight or enduring any health challenges as a result of what you eat or don’t eat, there isn’t much the medical personnel can do for you. You will have to take matters into your own hands, and love life enough to want to live. How can the Dr force you to go on a diet if you don’t want to? I remember forcing my kiddo to eat okra. Though he ate it in front of me, he went and vomited everything up in his bathroom. Lately, I realized he’d had a change of heart and now enjoys having his okra soup. The lesson here is that he alone could have decided to savor this healthy dish. What this means is that you too can. Draw up that menu and physical exercise schedule tonight, and do not fall into the trap of Procrastination!
Enrolling on both professional and self development courses.
In my case, I knew deep down that I was suffering from poor Time Management. I, unfortunately, didn’t know how to efficiently manage my time, to set SMART goals. So, I decided to invest in a coach, and it turned out to be the best investment I had made in myself ever!!! Her coaching simply transformed me into someone more resourceful. If you can’t afford a coach, do not be google frugal, it is user-friendly and it is packed with so many free resources too.

Making a conscious decision to try out new things.
Far too many people die without reaching a tiny fraction of their true potential. They simply were too afraid to venture out of their comfort zones. To grow, you will have to take risks, and learn to consider your failures as feedback. Moreover the more you do anything, the more you’ll get better at it.
Seeking guidance from others.
When it comes to seeking guidance, people who suffer from pride find it hard to break this particular ice. Moreover, “others” maybe people such as experts in particular fields, friends, and family who are knowledgeable on the subject matter. Do not waste your time talking to fools, pessimists, or dream-killers, as they won’t add much value to your life. Speak only to the people who have got some form of knowledge, experience, skills, education, or expertise in your area of interest.
Building a clear vision and mission statement for your life .
A good place to start is deciding what you want out of life. After which you may proceed to create an impactful vision board!.
Setting clear goals.
One good thing about setting goals is that it enables you to evaluate your weaknesses, in order to best manage them, whilst leveraging your strengths. I encourage you to use a SWOT analysis to achieve this.
Choosing a mentor and following their guidance.
I remember my coach telling me that she also had a coach, and that her coach had a coach too. This goes to prove that we all need a little hand-holding as humans. We need support of any form, and in this instance, a mentor or a coach would be a big plus to your life. It could be someone in your neighborhood, your place of work, your church, or your social groups. Whatever the case, make sure you choose wisely!
Be Mindful of your reference groups.
Your reference groups are the people you habitually associate yourself with. Don’t you forget the saying “show me your friends and I shall tell you who you are”, or the bible verse “Bad company corrupts good character.”
Depending on what you want to become, be mindful of who you hang with because misery loves company!