74% of people around the world hate their job because they aimlessly drift around and apply for the first job opening that they become aware of. When you work at what you don’t enjoy, it is more like a chore with no fun to it.
To become a high performer, these two rules have to become your favourite cup of tea;
- Have a vision; When you have a very clear vision for your life, you are 99% more likely than not, to achieve your goals and get to where you aim to be.
- Cut out the Naysayers; people will say its impossible, it can’t be done or no. But whenever they say;
- No = YES
- Its Impossible = It is possible
- It can’t be done = It can be done
Nelson Mandela once said “everything is always impossible until someone does it”. Will you be the first to do it, and to show others that it can be done?
Success means different things to different people. For some it might be financial freedom, from others trophies, whilst it may be nothing more than achieving a state of wellness, health and peace for others.
The 10 habits below apply to any area or any meaning of success;
1. Setting Goals.
All successful people set goals. The reason is because the chances of you achieving what you a want are around Zero if your vision is missing. Define exactly what it is that you want and write down exactly what is required to get there. Make sure the reason for having a particular goal is strong. So that, when you things go wrong you may have the strength and purpose to keep going.
2. Take Responsibility for your life.
Successful people take complete responsibility for the success or failures in their life. They shun the victimhood mentality. And instead of blaming others when something doesn’t go their way, they accept responsibility for that failure, learn the lessons and move on quickly to the next thing. Your reaction in failure should always be ” how can I make this better, or make it work. Never living in the past or making excuses why you aren’t where you wanted to be”. Don’t you forget that everyone suffers setbacks. Everyone has the free will to blame others about their circumstances, or to move on and create a better future for themselves. Regardless of what has happened, you decide what you do now!.
3. Great Self Discipline.
This is a strong trait that most successful people have.It is often built through consistency. Covid-19 has been a big issue for so many workers around the world. For those who lacked self discipline, needless to say the impact it must have had on their productivity at work or their business. Working from home means being cautious enough to know not to swipe through social media platforms or binge watch Netflix, but rather focus on things that will be beneficial for one’s future. It is much easier to have discipline, with clear goals and a meaningful purpose.
4. Obsessed with self- development.
How can anyone claim to be successful when they have given up on themselves? We have to be open to learn new things and develop our minds through reading, videos , mentorships and audios. It is said that the more you learn, the more you will earn financially and spiritually.
5. Read a lot.
Reading is a common past time habit for many successful people. Unfortunately, this is a habit that a lot of people struggle with today. our world has been plagued by all sorts of distractions and it only seems to get worse. People literally post on social media how bored they are. Successful people crave to be alone in quiet in order to read a book or listen to something that adds value to their mind and future. For those who struggle with reading, why not listen to audio books or podcasts, whilst in the shower, walking, driving, or even cooking?
6. Proper time management.
Managing time properly is a critical success factor. Instead of stressing about a long list of stuff that need to be done, focus on doing the most important tasks first, and leave the less impactful ones for later. Successful people plan years, months, weeks ,days and hours ahead. They are always conscious of what needs to be done for them to reach their goals.
7. Take Risks.
There’s a popular quote “The higher the risk the higher the reward”. As a stock trader, my personal risk portfolio is 7. When it comes to making business and financial related decisions, I take big risks. Successful people understand they need to take risks to get to their destinations. Most people simply don’t have the balls to do it. They’re more focused on the possibility of failure, than that of success. The greater failure to successful people will be that of regret. “Risk going for the life you want, or guarantee living for the one you don’t want”.
8. Keep moving no matter what.
Failure is an inevitable path to success. Remember that the road to hell is straight and easy sailing, but that to heaven is narrow, and rough. The same is true for success. There are days when I have had to hold an ice pack against my head whilst I focus on completing an urgent task. Being an high performer is very hard, and not a lot of people are willing to endure the pain that leads to success. Successful people never quite! They keep going because they understand that their greatest character is formed in adversity, and every small failure is nothing but feedback for a greater success ahead. My dad was locked up for purchasing stolen material for his business. This didn’t deter him from forging on and growing his business to the second best in the city.
9. Find a way to win
When you find a way to deal with everything and anything that life throws at us, we will do whatever it takes to get better. Its about giving it your all and leaving no avenue unexplored. Its about finding a way to WIN
10. Do what you love
Doing what you love is arriving at the summit of your purpose as a human. In my previous podcast, I mentioned how much I hated accounting and finance. Going to work every single day was like a nightmare to me. Though it looked glamourous and attractive on the outside, I was miserable on the inside. Long hours of work, no holidays, excruciating migraine attacks, no time for my son. I simply wasn’t successful. I found success when I discovered my natural talent. When I started doing what I love and still earned money. I even earned and saved more than 100 times more than I had done in the past, when I started doing what I Love.
Your ultimate purpose is to find your life purpose. Think of all the things that you would love to do and brainstorm on how you can turn your passion into a profit. If you do what you love everyday, you will never work a day in your life.