You must have heard someone say “I don’t feel confident enough to do…this or that”. It could be giving a speech, making an elevator pitch or maybe even just talking…
Syl Tamanda
Finally, after 7 years of secondary school life and a few weeks of waiting for the results, they are finally here. A big congratulations to those who made the cut;…
Managing time effectively is a skill that a lot of folks fail to take seriously. Time management is neglected at the peril of each and everyone one of us, and…
I am sure you have heard someone say the words ” that woman is ugly or that lady is not pretty enough”. A woman must not have long eyelashes, or…
Parents have a fundamental role to play when it comes to how children eventually turn out in life. This article discusses what we should know as young parents and what…
Oftentimes, the link between forgiveness, your healing, and the progress you can make is ignored or underestimated. The true meaning of forgiveness is much deeper than saying the words, “I…
What’s a Business Plan. A document setting out a business’s future objectives and strategies for achieving them:”the company is scheduled to pitch its business plan in June” Writing a business plan can be…
Without personal development, life may be worthless. What can be exciting about a life without ambitions? Becoming better than you currently are simply cannot be sublet to someone else. What…
If we were each allowed to do the things that mattered most to us before attending to the needs of others, would our world be a better place? Did cultural…
GLOBAL INNOVATION FUND GIF is a collaboration between the Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO), the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), the Omidyar Network, the Swedish International Development…