The very foundation of the traditional path to success and wealth creation has come under serious scrutiny in recent years. More and more young people go to school, get degrees, graduate and find a job with some luck. A good majority go on to hope and pray for the day when they will receive a call for an interview or a dream job offer.
More and more young people are frustrated and experiencing all sorts of
What is wrong with the traditional route to success?
What perturbs me most about the dream that was sold to me and continues to be sold to so many young people is a dream that is unrealistic and super old fashioned. It is my understanding that after the great depression in the 1930s, young people were encouraged to go to school, most of which was subsidised. And graduates often had more than enough vacant positions waiting to be filled upon completion. It was almost guaranteed that going to school, getting good grades and climbing the corporate ladder was the ideal path to success.
However, the great depression ended 80 decades ago and its about time for young people to come to terms with reality.

How to succeed in today’s world
Our world has been on a steady progression from brick and mortar to click on order. From the creation of amazon to being able to order a variety of things from the comfort of any location has become the norm. The internet has played a massive role towards the transitioning into the era we are currently experiencing.
Before the COVID 19 pandemic that shut the world down, people a selected few were privy to information about earning money without commuting to work every single day or perhaps even working as an employee for a particular organisation.
Having a job that pays provides the security of fixed wages or a monthly salary can be very comforting, however, it is increasingly difficult to go to bed with the assurance that your job will be waiting for you the next day. Remember when we were all on in a frenzy and completely unsure of what was going to happen during the global lockdowns?
More so, take a look ta the chaos the Russia-Ukraine war iis causing too? There are too many warning signs, too blatant to be ignore by young people who aspire to live fulfilling lives in this day and age. All young people have to wake up and smell the coffee about the importance of tech and why we should all be getting some type of knowledge about the way it works.