How to work smarter, not harder

by Sylvie Tamanda


The truth is that I have been having trouble getting things done for a while now.
When my friend and accountability partner Deloshni asked what was stopping me from taking my hustle to the next level, I did tell her.

I told her that all the things that keep me busy are easy to get in the way.

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Every day, I have to be a mom, a loyal partner, and a business woman. Now add sister, daughter, friend, coach, blogger, Youtuber, Podcaster, gist babe, Whatsapp queen, phone calls, and emails to that list. is definitely a lot of navigate without solid time management habits.

I know what my goals are and where I want to be, but it’s hard for me to use my time well to reach each goal. And I am convinced that the same is true for so many people.

We live in world where everyone and and everything is competing for our attentions. And the biggest distractor of all is; Tadang…. Social media, of course.

According to Statista 2022 report, the average person spends 2hours 45minutes a day on social media.

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If we did some  maths
Daily = 2.45hrs
Weekly = 2.45hrs * 7days = 17.15 hours
Monthly = 17.15hours * 4 weeks = 68.6 hours
A year = 68.6 hours * 12 months = 823.2 hours

This is just on social media and these numbers could be much higher for people who are struggling even more with self discipline.

What does this mean for you and me?

Well, according to a Forbes 2013 article, Josh Kaufman’s researched revealed that it takes 20 hours to learn a new skill.

Here are some of the skills that would make a whole lot of difference in the lives of employees and self employed individuals.

1. Critical thinking skills
2. Communication skills
3. Mental Flexibility skills
4. Teamwork ability
5. self leadership skills
6. Digital fluency skill
7. judgement and complex decision skills
8. Data literacy skills
9. Customer centricity skill
10. Interpersonal skills

Of course this isn’t the most extensive list of skills that we can all learn, however, the point is that if we spent these 17 hours a week indulging in productive things, we would be super smart, well equipped, and extremely valuable for the market place.

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This information was an eye opener for me. And although it is not my first time to hear it, this time it hit differently. I really felt convicted and I hope you feel the same way too. 

And on a very personal note, I have just under 10 different sources of income and they all need my attention from time to time. However, I realized that I wasn’t getting anything done if I tried to do everything at once. And I might be doing some kind of damage to my brain, as experts have recently said.

The Duchess of multitasking who is none other than ms Syl,  decided to take responsibility for her poor performance and inefficiency, and she did something about it in the end.

A little backdrop story

I went through a coaching program in 2020, one of the things I learned from my coach was that success has to be planned.
She told us how she times her phone calls and lets the person she’s talking to know how long they have to talk to her.

She also said that she sets aside time every single day for each small task that helps her reach her big goals.

She insisted that having a great vision board wouldn’t help if we wasted our most valuable resource, which is time.

It hit me hard at the time, but I got used to it and went back to my old ways.

But it’s time for me to get back to the habits that help me reach my bigger goals.

While we’re at it, let’s talk about some of the good things about being good with your time.

1. Better efficiency and productivity

Less stress, which is good for our health as a whole.

3. A great reputation in the workplace ( for our business and our career growth).

4. You will have more chances to reach your life and career goals

5. Less time worrying about what to do and when to do it gives you more free time.

6. Better able to pay attention to tasks that add value

7. Getting things done quickly

8. More confidence from positive self-reinforcement and esteem

and there are many more.

The truth is that this journal is very important for me and for anyone else who wants to live a better life.

I didn’t keep it to myself because of this.


I’m giving it to you all, and you can get your own copy on Amazon wherever you are in the world.

You only have to click this link: now to get yours.

More Reading.

A Currency Called Confidence.

Time Management.

Why All Women Must Earn Their Own Money!

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Beri joan November 13, 2022 - 11:17 am

Great statistics and practically facts about wastage of not only time but money too because one will also need to buy an Internet connection.

Sylvie Tamanda November 14, 2022 - 10:37 am

oh absolutely sweetheart. we need to make the right choices to get ahead in life. We are our own destiny keepers


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