Your Self-Development Is Your Responsibility.

by Syl Tamanda

Without personal development, life may be worthless. What can be exciting about a life without ambitions? Becoming better than you currently are simply cannot be sublet to someone else.

What is Self-Development.

Self-development is “the process by which a person’s character or abilities are gradually developed” (Oxford Dictionary). Meanwhile, development is simply known as growth, which is “the process of developing or being developed.”.

What is Responsibility?.

Responsibility can be defined as “the state or fact of having a duty to deal with something or of having control over someone: i.e a true leader takes responsibility for their team and helps them achieve goals” (Oxford Dictionary).

Why is Self-Development Important.

According to my mentor Brian Tracy, “Self-development will take you from rags to riches.”

Your self-development is a crucial aspect of your personal growth and progression. If you are a woman who has dedicated her life and time to the well-being of her husband and kids, you most certainly would have experienced moments when you felt overwhelmed and wondered what your life would have been otherwise.

Below are some of the reasons why it is important to prioritise your self-development:

The only limit to what you can accomplish is determined by yourself.

This verse in the Bible states that “You have been given dominion over the works of your hands; God has put all things under your feet, all sheep and oxen, and also the beasts of the field, the birds of the heavens, and the fish of the sea, whatever passes along the paths of the seas.” Psalm 8:6-8. Everything is within reach, and God expects you to have it all!

It is a continuous learning process.

A person who focuses on their self-development is on an endless journey to discoveries, knowledge, and wealth. No single person on earth is knowledge sufficient, and therefore, there’s plenty to read about, skills to learn, places to visit, you name it.

It enables you to evaluate your strengths and weaknesses.

Personal development is a path that I am forever grateful for choosing. It led me to a place where I was forced to perform a SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) analysis of my life. It humbled me to realize that I was far from being perfect and that I had a long way to go to attain my highest potential.

It will improve your mental health

So, I have been dealing with migraines for a little longer than I would have liked to. These attacks started when I was going through a very rough emotional patch. I had very little ability to handle the painful episodes until I started reading about migraines, digging out their potential causes, and adhering to the proposed solutions; then I realized how powerful knowledge could be. I had been perishing for the lack of knowledge. Thank goodness, as I write to you, my mental health is at a pretty good place, and my quality of life has greatly improved!

It will improve your relationship with yourself and others.

Before I decided to join a coaching course with a reputable London coach, I was lost in the little world of my mind. She taught me the power of being in control and having my philosophy in life. I stopped being a follower and decided to become a leader. I knew what I wanted; therefore, I could more easily relate with the people in my life: my husband, my kids, my siblings, my employer, my neighbors, and the list goes on.

It builds your confidence as you acquire knowledge.

Have you ever found yourself in an examination room as a well-prepared candidate? Your confidence level is on another level! I found that the same is true for anyone who is intentional about their personal development. Last week I was having a chat with my husband about some highly intellectual matters plaguing our planet, and he was blown away by my mastery of the subject matter. And he said to me, “Babe, your knowledgeable self is so sexy.” Lol.

It exposes you to a wealth of knowledge and people from all walks of life.

When I started my MBA at a reputable university in London, my goal was to take my career to another level. I wanted to network with decision-makers and business owners. My personal development goal in that area was to join all the high-flying associations or networking groups in London. Boy, did I meet some amazing people who are still friends to this day. It was an amazing journey, and I learned a ton about British culture, the world of business, and humans in general.

It sets you on a new life path.

I am going to be honest here. Before I made the firm decision to improve my network and net worth, I spent most of my time binge-watching Netflix and chitchatting about everything and everyone on the phone with birds like myself. As soon as I saw the light, I cut off social media, stopped the lousy phone calls, and went into retrospect. That’s when I found my coach and paid for her course. It changed my life and led me to this new path in life where I felt the need to share my knowledge and experiences with the rest of the world; hence the podcasting and blogging started!

It affords you psychological transformation too.

Thanks to my quest for a better self, I stumbled on legendary personalities like Brian Tracy, Jim Rohn, Iyanla Vanzant, Robert Kiyosaki, etc., and my psyche has tremendously changed. I see life from a whole different lens, and it feels good to be at this place. I even discovered that there were different kinds of friends worth having

It improves your self-esteem and self-acceptance.

Although I am still learning, I must confess that I am at a whole new level of self-worth. Thanks to all the information I have learned, the podcasts, audiobooks, and music I have listened to, the books I have read and continue to read, you can’t tell me anything! LOL

As a young man or woman, I daresay that you can at least recount a situation where you felt inferior or undermined as a result of your lack of knowledge in a particular domain, your educational qualification, your job status, your marital status, your neighborhood, the home you live in, the car you drive or don’t drive, the clothes you wear, and the list goes on.

The way to change that is by finding out How To Achieve Personal Development.

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