The Rationale Behind Your Worth

by Sylvie Tamanda

The Rationale Behind Your Worth

What your mind can push you to do is determined by how much you feel you’re worth—to yourself and to the world—and to your creator.

No matter what you do to make a living, the amount of money you charge for your products or services or earn for your expertise is often directly related to.

  1. The need for what you do (the number of people who need what you have)
  2. Your ability to do it (how well you can execute your tasks)
  3. How difficult it would be to replace you or your offering (how well you train your mind to become a domain expert).

For example, the entertainment industry is full of talented black women, but you can’t call all of them entrepreneurs, neither are they all billionaires.

On August 5, 2021, Forbes announced that Rihanna was the richest female musician and the second richest female entertainer in the world after Oprah Winfrey. The article went on to say that of the $1.7 billion, she was able to make $1.4 billion from the cosmetics line she started in 2017 called Fenty Beauty. She wanted to appeal to “every type of woman” by making more than 40 different shades of foundation, which had never been done before.

Rihanna could have been stuck with the money and fame of a pop star, but she took the risk of being an entrepreneur by

  • Putting her mind to work
  • Activating her self-confidence
  • Taking uncomfortable action towards her dream

If Rihanna had accepted the value that the world placed on her, she would have limited her life to being a popular popstar, and she would have never seen herself as an entrepreneur. But instead of letting her mind wander off to a place that didn’t serve her higher purpose, she did what she had to do and was propelled to a whole new level of success that put her ahead of her peers.  And although all her business ideas never worked out, she never gave up. She kept knocking on closed doors until she found the one that was open.

What I personally learned from Rihanna is that we can only become as big as we imagine ourselves to be.

I was telling my little sister this weekend that the sudden death of our dad could have easily broken me as a teenage girl, but I shifted my perspective and decided to be the best version of myself because of what happened.


I never really compared myself to anyone around me and kept my eyes on my own price, directing all my energies towards creating the life that I wanted for myself.

My question therefore to you is, what are you focusing on today?

And the reason why this question has the potential to change your life is because, your focus will determine your actions, and your actions will determine your worth.

If you throw your hands up in the air and give up on your life’s mission because of a particular event that marked you or because you wish you had the life someone else has, you will never live the life that your creator intended for you when he formed you in your mothers’ womb.

It’s time to recalibrate and decide what we want for our lives.


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